Thursday, November 10, 2011

Restaurant Pet Smart

Let's see; I'll have that Gold one and about a half dozen of those Striped ones... Could I have them whole with the skins lightly crisped and just a touch of soy sauce? Oh, my mouth is watering... What!!! What do you mean this isn't a restaurant? A Pet Store? Grrrrrrr... I thought we were at a five star restaurant and this was like the "lobster tank." 
I never get to have any fun... should have known... I thought when we went past all those different kinds of cat litter that it was a pretty classy joint that let you choose what kind of dirt you get to make mud pies in. 
I'm fuming! Someone's going to have a surprise in their shoe tomorrow morning. I want fish blast it all to pieces! I'm a cat! I have neeeeds! Meow! Meow! Meow! Hiss!

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