Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I WISH IT WOULD SNOW!!! (Don’t tell Mom I said that!)

This is my favorite Christmas gift this year. I wanted one last year because we had so much snow.
Now I just need some snow. Snow and someone to pull me…. Why can’t somebody just pull me on the grass now?
Kea’we! Will you pull me? Please, please, puleeese?
Well, yeah, that means you’d have to put your ball down.
Comet! Comet! Come here Big Bro!
Comet, I’d like to ask a favor big brother…
Whoa! Whoa there Comet! Don’t be sniffin’ my lady bits!
Comet, you know you’re my favorite brother, will you pull me on my sled?
Comet? Comet? What do mean you hear the mailman? Ah, come on! Just pull me around the yard a couple minutes… Yeah, yeah I know you’re not a Sled Dog.
Now what. I guess I need Snow and a Big Hill. I’ll just take my sled back in the house…. Of course if Makamae is asleep and I tie onto her collar without waking her I could have one heck of a ride on the carpet! Must get inside and go into stealth kitty mode.
Hmmm, is it right to do that to another kitty? Hmmm… Mom! I wanna go in!
Hey! Don’t judge me! I’m a cat! We have cat morals after all. I’ll make up for it…. Promise! Heh, Heh, Heh…
Crap Makamae woke up. Uh Oh I hear…
SK!! What are you doing! Oh Makamae what has SK done to you! SK what were you thinking! Naughty Kitty!”
…Mom. Gulp.
"You are so grounded little kitty. No treats, no sitting on the TV or the computer. Just wait until your father hears about this!”
Oh Boy…. So much for stealth mode. I may as well stop hoping for snow. I’m probably grounded until Spring.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mele Kalikimaka!

Merry Christmas & A Very Happy New Year!
Mele Kalikimaka & Hauole Makahiki Hou!
I’m all decked out in holiday clothes. You’d think I was a Poodle or something. If I have to have accessories why can’t it be things like diamond collars? Oh well, I’ve got the spirit in me! Where’s the egg nog? I’d like to drop my new cat toy in it then fish around for a while… Wheee!

With Love & Best Wishes from Super Kitty and the rest of her fuzzy and not so fuzzy family

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Favorite Auntie!

Birthday in Volcano 6-26-11 087CROPPED

My Cousin Cindie took this picture of my Auntie Glenna this summer at Cindie’s Birthday party. It makes me so jealous that she is so glamorous and has such a natural presence.

Why can’t I look that cool? Well why not?


Darn it! No matter what I do I’ll never have that Divatude! Auntie, you’re incredible!

Restaurant Pet Smart

Let's see; I'll have that Gold one and about a half dozen of those Striped ones... Could I have them whole with the skins lightly crisped and just a touch of soy sauce? Oh, my mouth is watering... What!!! What do you mean this isn't a restaurant? A Pet Store? Grrrrrrr... I thought we were at a five star restaurant and this was like the "lobster tank." 
I never get to have any fun... should have known... I thought when we went past all those different kinds of cat litter that it was a pretty classy joint that let you choose what kind of dirt you get to make mud pies in. 
I'm fuming! Someone's going to have a surprise in their shoe tomorrow morning. I want fish blast it all to pieces! I'm a cat! I have neeeeds! Meow! Meow! Meow! Hiss!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


 Yeah! I’m so relieved to know my cousins are OK! Dad and his work friend Laura feed my cousins behind the building where they work.
This is Puffball, she has a bobtail like about half the Woodland family do.
Here are Little Bit and Sox. Little Bit is a really good Mom.
This is Scout. Don’t let Scout get to you, she likes to stare and is very good at it.
And here are Scout and Sox pretending they don’t know each other. You know, the way normal brothers and sisters do.
We were all glad to know the Woodland Kitty family made it through Hurricane Irene safely. It is scary when people and animals are out in the wild in the catastrophic weather.
Mom says people underestimate nature’s power all the time and never give it enough credit or enough space. She really has a thing about people rebuilding homes in flood plains (Remember she’s a Geologist) or building on sand right at the oceans edge. She say’s it might sound cliché but nature will find a way and it might very well be the way right through the living room.
Please take Hurricanes, Flooding and Earthquakes seriously. Be safe, not sorry. 
     Aloha from Super Kitty!
PS. The same goes for our Ohana in Hawaii. We hope you will always be safe from Hurricanes, Flooding, Volcanic mayhem and Earthquakes. Malama pono!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


This is Super Kitty bringing you the latest breaking news on Hurricane Irene. It is 3:25 PM and we still have electricity! Lake Patrick behind me has breached its banks. The grapes are flooded and soon the onions will be history!
Here’s Lake Patrick. The mulch is on it’s way to the front yard. 
There are branches coming down from the maple tree. Mom brought us all outside because there was finally a let up in the rain (six inches so far) and the puppies had to pee. They don’t get to pee in the house like Makamae and I do. Dogs, they just don’t know how to negotiate the perks!
It was a quick trip though and we were back in the house.
Stuck in the house.

May as well get some TLC from my big brother Comet. He is a good brother.

Then spend some quality time with Makamae. She has to do the “I’m so cute” crap. Mom’s a pushover for it though. That is a good thing for all you kitties out there to remember. Cute = Puppet Master.
Look at that; giving Mom the half squint ooh I love you eyes. Behind my back no less. Makes me look bad. I’m going to say hi to Kea’we.

Kea’we is such a good listener, even if she would carry me around the house by my neck. Now I have to get back to my hurricane coverage. So hopefully I’ll have more pictures later if I’m not blown away.
By the way my dakine fashion raincoat is courtesy of Ziplock Freezer Gallon. I’m sure the ZFG logo is trademarked.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mom’s Paws

Today I’d like to talk about Mom’s Paws. She’s  not here so I can say anything I want…. Her Paws Are Gigantic! Plus you humans have to know how it gives us furries the big eyes when we see your furless skin. It isn’t natural. Dad takes most of the fur off of his face and Mom takes all of the fur off of her legs. Brr, don’t human’s all know how much more attractive they’d be as a soft  Grey, Calico, Tortoise Shell or of course Orange Tabby?
People paws just aren’t as functional as our paws. We jump, climb, shred the couch – all in a days work! Our paws do fine. Ever hear humans walk barefoot? Hilarious! I wish I could imitate the sounds people make… Auwe! Auwe! Auwe!  Or Ow! Ow! Ow!  Just go to the beach on any hot sunny day and watch someone go across the sand barefoot. Their arms go up and they lift their legs extra high then they do a dance across the sand yelling “ooh’s”, “oowww’s”, and sometimes words Mom won’t let me say! I promise you’ll laugh ‘til your tummy hurts. Just look at Dad’s paws here, all tender.
As you can see Mom wears shoes out. If she likes them when they fall apart she puts them back together with Liquid Nails and clamps or Gorilla Glue. How do the make nails liquid anyway? And if they are liquid how do they hold stuff together? Wouldn’t screws work better?
Mom was mad at the Shoe Balance company because that gray pair of shoes was only worn 10 times when the side blew out during the Kona Marathon. What Mom needs is a Shoe Sponsor! So Companies like New Balance, Avia, or Rockridge can send applications to to my e-mail address….Oops, I don’t have one. Anyway they can contact me here. Companies like Jimmy Choo, Ferragamo  or Manolo need not apply! This is my best idea ever!!!
Here’s what I mean. Mom likes hiking shoes.           
Not these boots. Hey, I’m Puss In Boots! OK Boot. I need a sword! I find this kind of cozy myself.  
Mom has other shoes she likes to walk in, she loves these.IMG_8498CROPPED
But she doesn’t ever wear this kind to go out hiking or walking. I’m not sure why. They sure look airy and cool.IMG_8500CROPPED
Next time we have snow I’m going to pretend I’m sledding! Whee! Wheee!!!
OK , A sponsor would need Mom’s shoe size. I don’t understand shoe sizes. I think Mom wears a 38 um D. Uh Hmm, Oh maybe that is bra size. Hmm, yeah that is bra size but that is the size Dad wishes Mom’s bras were. Huh. Tonight when Dad leaves his laptop I’ll go on Amazon and add 38D’s to his “Wish List” Mom and Dad will be sooo proud of me!  Shoe sizes and Bra sizes are so similar. I wonder if women have something like that thing that measures their paws at the shoe store to measure their breasts. Do they buy bras by length and width? Mom likes a wide shoe. I wonder if they make a 38W.  I’m a free spirit, they will Never make me wear a bra!
I’m going to have to look at Mom’s shoes.
Wow, Mom wears Men’s shoes! That is OK, when no one is looking I eat dog food. It is yummy. Bonus it makes Kea’we mad! Oh, good times!

Told you she had HUGE PAWS! I’d better be nice to Mom she has paws like Godzilla! Ahhh, Screaming Army guys running as the great gray doom descends upon… Nothing can help you now…. Ahhhh!  Momzilla! Noooo!IMG_8507CROPPED
Does anyone know…. Is this stuff really made out of Gorillas?
Mom just saw my post!!!! I’m in big trouble!!! 
Mom’s face is red and she is mumbling about “Yeah my feet are big, but I don’t have small breasts!”  Then something about a sea not being exactly a pancake. I'm confused and I don’t think I’ll be getting any treats tonight.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Mom woke me with that blasted flashlight at “O’Dark Thirty” as Dad likes to say.
I politely declined to get up by showing her my backside. When that didn’t work I shredded the sheets as she pulled me from the bed.

I guess it was worth it. Sitting here on the edge of the caldera drinking Kona Coffee eating a Lilikoi Scone from Pookie’s in Pahoa. Superonolicious… If Mom thinks she’s getting any… My claws are longer than you’d think.
 Then we went to Punaluu Black Sand Beach and watched the Green Sea Turtles eating. It is important to be quiet and respectful of the Honu. They’ve never come up to me, and I’m pretty sure you either, and tried to touch you. Or yelled during your salad. That salad on the rocks must be really good. You can probably order that in a bar. I’ve heard that people order things in bars on the rocks all the time. Anyway I sneaked up on this Honu and was very quiet.
My Great Grandpa used to make turtle soup, but only out of mean snappity turtles; never out of my buddies.
See - look at the way he’s going at that salad! That’s how I eat my cat food. Face down in the bowl and munch, munch, munch. A kindred spirit!
Then we went to Ka Lae; also known as South Point. When I found out people were jumping off the cliffs into the water for fun Mom couldn’t get me to go closer than this. I do some dumb things, but jumping into water isn’t one of them. Water and Soap. What possesses people? Filthy habit that soap!
Yep, they jump from on top of the cliff, then climb up the rusty old ladders. Mom did it once when she was a lot younger. I’m glad she didn’t try it now because she is so old she’d probably break a hip or something. I mean she turned 50 just last month! And that isn’t even in Cat Years!
From there we walked to the Green Sand Beach. We’ve been there before but Mom loves the mineral Olivine.(Mg,Fe)2SiO4 That is some kind of Geologist, Chemist Gibberish. Plus there was a Geocache there. She found it too.
Oh Great Lionfish! They are going in the water here too! I guess furrlessness is handy for that. Quick dry.
I don’t feel safe here Mommy, this sand is wet. I don’t like sand.

The “road” to the Green Sand Beach crosses a variety of terrain. Some places it is Pahoehoe rock. Mostly solid to walk/drive on. Some places it is loose A’a’ rocks, then there is the red dirt. Mom loves the volcanic red dirt. This particular part of the road is rutted so deep that if you stopped you wouldn’t be able to open the car doors. Other places around here are flat and you’ll see round car trails where people have skidded around when the rains came. When this stuff is wet it as slippery as glass. Wheeee! Mommy loves to drive out here in the truck when it is raining. Mommy loves mud!
And we left there just before the rains came. We drove on to Manuka State Park where we watched these horses watching us in the rain and Geocached. Mom found seven. Mom was so happy that night and this is so hard for a kitty to understand. I think some people have trouble with it too, except other Geologists and Hikers. I was Very Happy to stay in the SUV after it started to rain. Mom just pulled out her leaky raincoat and her faded green hat and let the water run down her legs into her shoes as she looked at the sea or into the valleys or reached into crevices for geocaches. Then she’d get into the SUV smiling, throw the soggy coat in the back and into the sunset we went. She’s so happy when she’s muddy. Mom’s a lot like a Siberian Husky that way. Huh.
That was our last whole day at home; the next day we were up early and did have a few adventures before heading to the airport and back to Virginia. That’s another story though. It is past this Super Kitty’s bed time.
In Virginia with my brother Comet and my sister Kea’we two days later. I missed them!